Register or authentication by clicking on Login
To post a story you need to register as an Author. By doing so, you will also have the possibility to fill in your personal data and allow others to better find your stories. To do this, just click on the Login menu link. If you are already registered, through the same page, you can log in by entering your e-mail address (or username) and your password. If you have forgotten your login information, you can click on “Forgot your password?” to recover your credentials.
Note: if you check the “Remember me” option when you log in for the first time, you will be automatically authenticated when you next visit the website.
Go to Enter a story and write your memory
Once authenticated, clicking on “Insert a story” will allow you to start inserting your stories. Each story must contain at least 3 required fields: the Title , the Year of reference and the Content. The Image and the Video fields are optional.
A video can be uploaded in two ways: direct file upload or external link. The file upload option can be used when the video file has a maximum size of 100 mb, however it is advisable to do this only when you have relatively small files so that it is also easier for others to view. The second option, on the other hand, allows you to insert the external link of a video through other platforms, such as YouTube. Just paste the video address into the field shown. If the link has been inserted correctly and the video is recognized, it will be previewed directly within the form.
Finally, the content field has a toolbar that gives you formatting functions such as bold, italics, title, paragraph, list and so on. By moving the mouse cursor over each button, you can find out the meaning of each function.
Wait for our editors’ review
Once you’ve done “Submit” on the post a story form, your story is archived pending review. At this point our editors will carry out a brief check for any input errors and will be able to publish it.
As soon as you press “Send”, you are automatically redirected to the “Submitted stories” page, accessible at any time in the submenu under “<Username>” menu. On this page you can check the status of your stories, preview them even if they have not yet been published, or edit them.
Note: If you proceed to edit a story, its status will change back into pending review. So if it was already published, it will need to be reviewed again by an editor.
Completion of review and publication
When a story is published, everyone will be able to read it. Through the search page it is possible to browse the stories by searching by content, reference year or author. If you also fill in the personal page “Profile” under the “<Username>” voice menu in the top right, you can allow others to find your stories also by your location (postcode, city, province, region, country). In addition, you can enter your bio and add a profile picture. This way others can read your details by clicking on your name.